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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Application of Load Following Control in Multi Area Hydrothermal Gas System under Reconstituted Scenario

( Vol-1,Issue-5,August - 2015 )

Author(s): A.Suresh Babu, Addisalem Haile, C. Viswanath

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Page No: 10-15
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Automatic Generation Control, Load Following, Hydro, thermal and gas system, Disco Participation Matrix.


Variations in power system load causes deviations in system frequency and can be reduced by Automatic generation control (AGC). This paper presents the method in implementing the concept of load following adapted in an AGC in multi area hydro, thermal and gas system under reconstituted scenario. Open transmission access and the evolving of more socialized companies for generation, transmission and distribution affects the formulation of AGC problem. To reconcile new constraints associated with territorial of the traditional AGC two area system is modified to take into account the role of AGC in open market system. This paper investigates the performance of a load following controller on each generator involved in bilateral contracts. A suitable control strategy is also proposed for the generators taking part in load following to share a portion of the uncontracted power demanded by the customers. The concept of Disco Participation is employed and reflected in the two-area block diagram. The proposed system is tested for a two area hydro, thermal and gas system considering without and with contract violation. Simulation results show that the concept of load following is successfully implemented in the system

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