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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Basic Accident Cause Analysis of Relations with Individual Commitment in Effort to Prevent Occupational Accidents at Rumah Sakit X

( Vol-2,Issue-1,January - 2016 )

Author(s): Putri Ayuni Alayyannur, Tjipto Suwandi, M. Bagus Qomaruddin

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Page No: 37-42
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individual's commitment, occupational accident, work behavior.


Hospital is one of the workplaces that have a variety of risks that could adversely affect health and safety. Data of occupational accidents in RS X is 1 accident in 2012 and 2 accidents in 2014. The accident data indicate not optimal management control in the implementation of OSH at RS X Surabaya. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the basic causes of the accident with the individual commitment efforts to pevent occupational accidents at RS X Surabaya. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional design was conducted in October-November 2015. Large population of 180 people and a sample obtained by simple random sampling technique as many as 65 people. Results with Pearson correlation analysis there was no relationship between the length of work with individual commitment. OSH policies, infrastructure, financing, human resources of OSH, OSH training, and the provision of PPE there is a relationship with the individual commitment. Individual commitment are not related to work behavior. Results of path analysis showed that there is a relationship between infrastructure, financing, human resources of OSH, and OSH training with individual commitment. Recommendations are given for the RS X is adjusting infrastructure with attachments Kepmenkes No. 1087 In 2010, the hospital gave budgets sufficient funds for the implementation of OSH, hospitals procure new human resources special of OSH, OSH training in accordance with needs, and RS do efforts to increase individual commitment.

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