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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Design of a Modified Braking System Mechanism for Two Wheeler Vehicles to Increase Safety of the Rider

( Vol-1,Issue-3,June - 2015 )

Author(s): Ashish Kumar Rohilla, Anuj Kumar Sehgal

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Page No: 06-09
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Automatic application, braking system, linkage, safe braking ratio


The present disclosure relates generally to a braking system for a two-wheeler vehicle that enables linkage between the front and rear brakes to help attain a safe braking ratio under all circumstances. In an aspect, the present disclosure provides a mechanical linkage between front and the rear brakes of a two-wheeler vehicle, wherein the linkage can be installed without removing any component of existing braking systems/architectures, and wherein the linkage can enable automatic application of brake on a second brake when brake is applied on a first brake. For instance, when front brake (for the front wheel, for instance) is applied, automatic and ideal proportional brake can be automatically applied to the rear brake (for the rear wheel, for instance), and vise versa.

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