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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Detection and Ranking of Vulnerable Areas to Urban Flooding Using GIS and ASMC (Spatial Analysis multicriteria): A Case Study in Dakar, Senegal

( Vol-2,Issue-8,August - August 2016 )

Author(s): M. L. Ndiaye, V. B. Traore, M. A. Toure, A. Sambou, A. T. Diaw, A. C. Beye

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Page No: 1270-1277
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GIS, ASMC, Vulnerability, urban flooding, Dakar, Senegal


Dakar region is confronted in recent years with episodes of repetitive and devastating floods. The structures in charge of the matter, yet does not have enough knowledge of space and tools to preciselylocate vulnerable areas. It is in this particular context that we have through this study process by coupling GIS and ASMC techniques. We aim in this coupling, to develop an efficient tool for support decision making in terms of identification strategies, intervention or adaptation. The defined criteria for this are: the rainfall, the groundwater level, geology, topography, wetlands, population density, living standards and the type of habitat. We have used an analytical hierarchical process (AHP) by foursteps: a) the breakdown of problematic vulnerabilities; b) scanning and harmonization of layers factors (criteria); c) the weight assignment of different layers criteria according to the comparison procedure in pairs; d) and aggregation criteria layers, through the weighted superposition of the SOC software tool. This has helped us to hierarchically locate the vulnerable are as to flooding. The results have showed a very low vulnerability (1.67%), low vulnerability (50.53%), high vulnerability (43.66%) and a very high vulnerability (4.14%). Approximately, 50% of the Dakar region are vulnerable to flooding and particularly the suburban area concerning the departments of Pikine and Guediawaye. These informations are very useful for governments in the effective and sustainable flood management and identification of priority intervention areas.

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