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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

The Influence of Booklet Print and Leaflet Print Media to Improve Reproductive Health Knowledge in Adolescent

( Vol-2,Issue-5,May - May 2016 )

Author(s): Rita Rena Pudyastuti

Total View : 1069
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Page No: 373-379
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Print booklets, leaflets printed media, adolescent reproductive health knowledge.


Reproductive health as a woman's ability to utilize reproductive organs and regulate their fertility can undergo pregnancy and childbirth safely and have a baby without any risk, well health mother and baby born and return to health within normal limits. This study want to determine the appropriate print media to improve adolescent reproductive health knowledge. This study used a quasi-experimental method, using a pretest and posttest control that was chosen to compare the results of the evaluation before and after health education interventions with similar criteria of respondents. The analysis used to determine the effect of the print media booklet and leaflet on health knowledge reproduction of adolescent. Testing the null hypothesis with a significance level of p <0.05. This research was conducted at SMPN 20 Ambon. The Subject was students of class VIII as many as 60 students. The results showed: There are no significant differences in the use of print media booklets and leaflets on adolescent reproductive health knowledge (2.04> 0.490 <2.76). It is suggested to be continued for further research on the use of print booklets and leaflets media effectively in improving reproductive health knowledge.

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