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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

A Brief study on Steganography techniques

( Vol-2,Issue-4,April - April 2016 )

Author(s): Kavitha K J, Pushpalatha O

Total View : 1209
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Page No: 180-183
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Steganography, security, integrity.


As there is a lot of advancement in the field of internet or communication technology, we have various means of storing, accessing and distribution of the data in the digital format. Due to the rapid advancement in this field has also introduced many challenges to the researchers to provide security to the information which is transmitted over the network. The digital information circulating over the network also includes the medical information. In order to provide security, confidentiality and integrity, the steganographic techniques can be employed. In the section 1, it gives the introduction about available hiding techniques; the section 2 explains the various steganography properties, the section 3 gives the types of steganographic techniques, the section 4 gives the applications of steganography, the section 5 gives the quality parameters to be measured for medical information, and the section 6 gives the steganographic algorithms available. Finally the section 7 concludes that to prevent unauthorized access steganography is the suitable technique.

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