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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

A Comparative Study between Samsung and Apple Smart Phones-Saudi Arabian Women Student’s Preference

( Vol-2,Issue-10,October - October 2016 )

Author(s): Dr. G.S.Vijaya, V. Vidyashree

Total View : 2585
Downloads : 164
Page No: 1819-1823
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Apple, Brand, Smartphones, Samsung, University.


Today smart phones are in increasing demand in the student community. In order to understand about the brand preference between Samsung and Apple, a group of 200 female students from various Universities in Riyadh were selected in the age group of 18-25 years. The research instruments used in Questionnaire were closed ended questions. The basis of analysis was on brand loyalty, usage time, preferred features and brand preference. Based on the responses, it was understood that the brand preference between Apple and Samsung is equal.

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