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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

A Modified Weight Balanced Algorithm for Influential Users Community Detection in Online social Network (OSNs)

( Vol-2,Issue-6,June - June 2016 )

Author(s): Bhupinder Singh, Manju Bala , Manoj Kumar

Total View : 1077
Downloads : 167
Page No: 595-599
ijaems crossref doiDOI:


SocialMedia, OSN, Community, U2U, Evolution, Weight Balanced, greedy approach.


In the modern era online users are increasing day by day. Different users are using various social networks in different forms. The behavior and attitude of the users of social networking sites varies U2U (User to User). In online social networking users join many groups and communities as per interests and according to the groups’/Communities’ influential user. This paper consist of 7 sections , first section emphasis on introduction to the community evelotion and community. Second section signify movement between communities ,third section involve related work about the research.. Fourth section includes Problem Definition and fifth section involve Methodology (Proposed Algorithm Process ,Get Community Matrix, Community detetcion).Sixth section involve Implementation. Furthermore implementation include Datasets ,Quantitative performance, Graphical Results, Enhancement in the existing work..Last section include Conclusion and then references. In this paper,we are implementing and proposing the community detection in social media .In the proposed we have deployed a Longest Chain Subsequence metric for finding the number of connections to the kernel community.

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