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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

A Novel IP Traceback Scheme for Spoofing Attack

( Vol-3,Issue-2,February - February 2017 )

Author(s): Dr K Butchi Raju

Total View : 1126
Downloads : 164
Page No: 001-006
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.24001/ijaems.3.2.1


DoS/DDoS attack, hybrid IP traceback, IP spoofing, packet logging, packet marking.


Internet has been widely applied in various fields, more and more network security issues emerge and catch people’s attention. However, adversaries often hide themselves by spoofing their own IP addresses and then launch attacks. For this reason, researchers have proposed a lot of trace back schemes to trace the source of these attacks. Some use only one packet in their packet logging schemes to achieve IP tracking. Others combine packet marking with packet logging and therefore create hybrid IP trace back schemes demanding less storage but requiring a longer search. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid IP trace back scheme with efficient packet logging aiming to have a fixed storage requirement for each router in packet logging without the need to refresh the logged tracking information and to achieve zero false positive and false negative rates in attack-path reconstruction.

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