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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

A Novel Technique to Pre-Process Web Log Data Using SQL Server Management Studio

( Vol-2,Issue-7,July - July 2016 )

Author(s): S.Kalaivani, Dr.K.Shyamala

Total View : 1114
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Page No: 0973-0977
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Web log data, Data Pre-Processing, User access patterns, URL, Mining.


Web log data available at server side helps in identifying user access pattern. Analysis of Web log data poses challenges as it consists of plentiful information of a Web page. Log file contains information about User name, IP address, Access Request, Number of Bytes Transferred, Result Status, Uniform Resource Locator (URL), User Agent and Time stamp. Analysing the log file gives clear idea about the user. Data Pre-Processing is an important step in mining process. Web log data contains irrelevant data so it has to be Pre-Processed. If the collected Web log data is Pre-Processed, then it becomes easy to find the desire information about visitors and also retrieve other information from Web log data. This paper proposes a novel technique to Pre-Process the Web log data and given detailed discussion about the content of Web log data. Each Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in the Web log data is parsed into tokens based on the Web structure and then it is implemented using SQL server management studio.

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