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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

A Study of Ball Bearing’s Crack Using Acoustic Signal / Vibration Signal and Analysis of Fast Fourier Transformation Spectrum

( Vol-2,Issue-5,May - May 2016 )

Author(s): Himanshu, Rahul

Total View : 1439
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Page No: 449-452
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Acoustic signal, FFT, Frequency, Signal Processing.


The field of fault diagnostic in rotating machinery is vast, including the diagnosis of items such as rotating shafts, rolling element bearings, couplings, gears and so on. Vibration analysis is the main condition monitoring technique for machinery maintenance. The different types of faults that are observed in these areas and the methods of their diagnosis are accordingly great, including vibration analysis, model-based techniques, and statistical analysis and artificial intelligence techniques. However, they have difficulties with certain applications whose behavior is non-stationary and transient nature.

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