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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Academic Stress and coping Strategies of Filipino College Students in private and public universities in Central Luzon

( Vol-5,Issue-11,November - November 2019 )

Author(s): Mary Chris A. Austria-Cruz

Total View : 22616
Downloads : 591
Page No: 603-607
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.511.6


Academic stress, coping mechanism, mental health, stress, stress management.


This study explored the academic stress and coping mechanisms of three hundred eighty-two (382) college students from public and private universities in Central Luzon, Philippines using descriptive research design. Results showed that major contributors to the respondents' stress were from teachers, completion of requirements and peers who commit cheating. They felt academically stressed and experience sleeping problems low self-confidence and moodiness. Respondents coped with stress through spirituality, one of the prominent traits of Filipinos. The study highlights the need to comply with the mental health protocol and to create avenues to attain well-being for students with varying interests.

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