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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Adaptations to Soil Erosion: A Review

( Vol-3,Issue-12,December - December 2017 )

Author(s): Igwe P.U., Nwezi C.C., Echendu J.E., Chukwunyere I.C., Okonkwo N.J.

Total View : 1647
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Page No: 1126-1134
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.24001/ijaems.3.12.6


Adaptive Measures, Climate Change, Environmental Sustainability, Rainfall, Review, Soil Erosion.


Soil erosion which is now one of the impacts of climate change due to increased precipitation events across the globe needs adaptations for adjusting to the actual and expected change in its occurrence more than mechanical/engineering measures for the management of the phenomenon. The objective of this paper is to conduct an in-depth review of adaptation strategies to soil erosion. The research made a review of academic/journal articles, internet materials, news articles, conference papers, books and publicly available materials on adaptations to soil erosion. From the review, most authors have a unity of opinion on adaptive strategies to soil erosion, including the use of mulching, cover cropping, reduced tillage, contour bonds, tree planting, wood logs and ploughing across the slope as they have been found to increase soil yield and reduce soil loss as well as its accompanying adverse impacts. Recommendations of the study includes: (1) enhancement of the existing adaptive measures; (2) a shift from rain-fed agriculture to dry season farming; (3) training the affected people on adopting the adaptive measures which are currently ignored in most communities; and (4) encouragement of the participation of land holders through grants in soil erosion management based on the adaptive techniques.

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