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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

An Experiment on a CO2 Air Conditioning System with Copper Heat Exchangers

( Vol-2,Issue-12,December - December 2016 )

Author(s): Tankhuong Nguyen, Tronghieu Nguyen, Thanhtrung Dang, and Minhhung Doan

Total View : 1457
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Page No: 2058-2063
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air conditioning system, heat exchanger, cooler, evaporator, CO2 refrigerant.


This paper presented an experiment on a CO2 air conditioning system with copper heat exchangers. In this study, the compressor and cooler were tested with hydraulic method to determine the deformed and torn temperatures. The results show that conventional compressor is not suitable for using high pressure, due to the COP of cycle is very low (0.5 only). With CO2 compressor, the cycle can be achieved COP of 3.07 at the evaporative temperature of 10ï‚°C. This value equals with COP of commercial air conditioning system presently.

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