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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Analysis of interactions between Information system, Communication and Marketing in Organizations

( Vol-2,Issue-8,August - August 2016 )

Author(s): Hamid Nahla, Hicham Medromi, Meriyem Chergui, Soukaina Elhasnaoui, Aziza Chakir And Youssef Sekhara

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Page No: 1249-1255
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Communication, Information system, Marketing, Morocco.


Communication, Information system and Marketing are a high and real value-added function for any organization. It needs to be clearly situated in the structure of organization to play completely their role. According to the Level of development of the organization, the company or the country, their place and their attributions are often badly defined. Their interactions also. We believe that numerous factors macro as those of the external environment and the micro as those of the business sector of the organization, its size, its structure have a determining role. To validate our hypotheses, we realized an empirical study on a sample of 262 Moroccan organizations, between companies and organizations other than companies. This work on analysis of interactions between information system, communication and marketing in organizations could server as well to the researchers, to the professionals, as to the managers.

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