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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Analysis of interconnection between Concurrent Engineering and Human Resource Management

( Vol-2,Issue-12,December - December 2016 )

Author(s): Mr. Vaibhav Vijay Patil, Dr. Dattatraya S. Jadhav

Total View : 1030
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Page No: 2136-2141
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Communication, Concurrent Engineering, Co-ordination, Human Resource Management, Product design and development, Technical and interpersonal skills, Training.


In today’s global economy; the competition in market among various organizations has been increased by great extent. The success in market is depending upon innovative research in product design and development as well as its quick launching in market. Thus the main aim of the concept of Concurrent Engineering is to speed up the every process that occurs during production and reducing the new product launching time in the market. But at the same time the impact of human resource management on all the activities from hiring new employees to achieving the organizational goal can’t be neglected. The above mentioned activity of concurrent engineering is only possible if there is proper co-ordination and co-operation among various organizational departments and effective communication in employees. Also proper training to the employees for improving not only technical skills but also interpersonal skills of employees will lead towards successful achievement of an organizational goal. Hence Human Resource Management undividable interconnection with Concurrent Engineering if properly understood and studied. Thus, implementation of both concepts give rise to long term benefits to organization in terms of customer satisfaction and improved interest of shareholders as well as stakeholders. Using proper methodology it is easy to implement Human Resource Management based Concurrent Engineering to be a market leader in today’s cut- throat competition in this world.

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