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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Analysis of Unsteady Squeezing Flow Between Two Porous Plates With Variable Magnetic Field

( Vol-3,Issue-1,January - January 2017 )

Author(s): Rehan Ali Shah, Muhammad Naveed Anjum , Muhammad Sohail Khan

Total View : 1287
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Page No: 090-106
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porous walls, HAM, Permeation Reynolds number, Non dimensional wall dilation rate, Differential transform method , Magnetic field.


Analysis will be made for the non-isothermal Newtonian fuid flow between two unsteady squeezing porous plates under the infuence of variable magnetic feld. The similarity transformations will be used to transform the partial differential equations into nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations. The modeled nonlinear differential equations representing the flow behavior in the geometry under consideration will be investigated using analytical and numerical method. Comparison of the solutions will be made. Convergence of solution will also be discussed. Flow behavior under the infuence of non-dimensional parameters will be discussed with the help of graphical aids.

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