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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Assessment of Food Safety and Sanitation Standards of Canteens in Nueva Ecija

( Vol-6,Issue-1,January - January 2020 )

Author(s): Ma. Cecilia P. Reyes

Total View : 1336
Downloads : 172
Page No: 34-36
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.61.5


School Canteens, Canteens, Food Safety, Food Sanitation, Safety Standard, Sanitation Standard.


Food safety is a particularly worrying environmental health problem in universities. This study used descriptive method of research. A total of 172 respondents from different universities were surveyed.Findings in this study reported that adherence to school canteen rules and government regulations play important roles in influencing food handlers’ attitude towards safe food handling. It was found that perceived barrier generally do not hinder safe food handling. However, small working space, inconvenient location for kitchen equipment and unavailability of food handling guideline toward achieving safe food handling were individual items in the questionnaire that scored high.

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