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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

BAJA -Chassis Fixture for Manufacturing

( Vol-5,Issue-7,July - August 2019 )

Author(s): Emmadi Suresh Babu

Total View : 1188
Downloads : 167
Page No: 443-445
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.572


Chassis Fixture, ATV, BAJA.


In an All-Terrain Vehicle(ATV), chassis plays a very prominent role. Using a fixture will help us to build a chassis without any errors in manufacturing. The fixtures that I’m currently working on are ‘Tare’ designed for the flexible manufacturing of any structural members, like chassis or any two members. These fixtures are designed in such a way that the members are clamped together precisely and always stay in place relative to each other. In machining, fixtures will minimize work piece deformation which causes due to clamping and cutting forces essential to maintain the machining accuracy. The various methodology for clamping operation used in different application by various authors are reviewed in the paper. Fixture is required in various industries according to their application. This can be achieved by selecting the optimal location of fixture elements such as locators and clamps. The fixture set up for component is done manually. For that more cycle time required for loading and unloading of the material. So, there is need to develop system which can help in improving productivity and time. Fixtures reduce operation time, increases productivity and high quality of operation is possible.

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