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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Chemical and Nutrient Composition of Selected Banana Varieties of Kerala

( Vol-3,Issue-4,April - April 2017 )

Author(s): Siji S, Nandini P.V

Total View : 1375
Downloads : 167
Page No: 401-404
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.24001/ijaems.3.4.21


TSS, Acidity, Total carbohydrate, Protein, Total minerals, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium.


Banana is the common name for herbaceous plants of the genus Musa and for the fruit they produce. Many studies shows that banana is richest source of various nutrients which having the health beneficial for humans. The chemical and nutrient compositions of eight banana varieties were studied. TSS was found to be more in Kadali (23.900 Brix) followed by Rasakadali (23.830 Brix) and Nendran (220 Brix). Maximum Acidity was noticed in Poovan (1.28%). The variety Nendran exhibited highest carbohydrate content (41.33g/100g) where as protein content was found to be higher in variety Poovan (1.37g/100g). Total mineral content of banana varieties ranged between 0.17g- 0.70g/100g and varieties such as Rasakadali (260 mg/100g) and Nendran ( 546.66 mg/100g) exhibited highest content of Na and K respectively. The calcium content of the selected banana varieties ranged between 0.35-1.35 mg/ 100g.

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