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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Cloud Armor: A Conclusion Work on Trust Management System

( Vol-3,Issue-5,May - May 2017 )

Author(s): Lakshmi G S, Shashirekha H

Total View : 1238
Downloads : 167
Page No: 536-539
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.24001/ijaems.3.5.21


Cloud computing, Trust administration ,cloud amror, Reputation, credibility.


Distributed computing gives Software as service (Saas) ,Platform as service(Paas) and Infrasrtucture as a service(Iaas).Cloud figuring condition having a few issues like protection and security. Trust administration is a standout amongst the most difficult issue. Shielding a specific cloud benefit from a few assaults like agreement attack(Such as client may give misdirecting criticism about specific cloud services)and Sybil attack(such as a solitary client can make numerous accounts..i.,e noxious user).In this paper we talk about cloudarmor that gives notoriety based trust administration to cloud administrations. A notoriety based trust administration system gives set of functionalities to convey Trust as a service(Taas) . Taas incorporates i)Zeroknowledge believability evidence convention to demonstrate validity of the consumers criticism and jam client security, ii)a validity show it will measures te validity of input to shield cloud administrations from malevolent client. what's more, iii)an accessibility model to deal with the accessibility of the trust administration.

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