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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Comparative Analysis of Anti-Collision Protocols in RFID

( Vol-2,Issue-4,April - April 2016 )

Author(s): K.T. Patil, Sumeet Joshi , Abhishek Bhagwat, Dr. S.K. Narayankhedkar

Total View : 1753
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Page No: 247-250
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RFID, Anti-collision, ALOHA protocols, Tree protocols, Hybrid variants, Energy- efficient, MAS protocol.


Radio Frequency Identification, abbreviated as RFID which was originally invented as a replacement tool for bar-code scanning and identification has now evolved into a vital technology spanning across fields such as supply chain management, shipping of goods, tracking and identification, etc. However along with the widespread use of RFID, the underlying problem of collision of readers, and tags has been hampering the reliability, and integrity of RFID; thus causing a problem in the further evolution and future deployment of the same in new-born organizations. This papers aims at surveying the various anti-collision protocols which are designed and implemented in order to curb one of the major encumbrances in RFID technology viz. collision.

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