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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Comparative Analysis of PID and NARMA L2 Controllers for Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

( Vol-2,Issue-8,August - August 2016 )

Author(s): Vuppala John Venkanna, Ginuga Prabhaker Reddy, V Ramesh kumar

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Page No: 1202-1207
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Artificial neural network NARMA L2 controller, PID controller, Shell and tube heat exchanger, MATLAB–Simulink.


The application of this paper firstly simplified mathematical model for heat exchanger process has been developed and used for the dynamic analysis and control design. A conventional PID controller and Advanced Artificial Neural Network NARMA L2 Controller for Shell and Tube heat exchanger is proposed to control the cold water outlet temperature and test the best efficiency of NARMA L2 and PID controller.The control problem formulated as outlet cold water temperature is controlled variable and the inlet hot water temperature is manipulated variable the minimum possible time irrespective of load and process disturbances.Simulation and verified the mathematical model of the controller has been done in MATLAB Simulink. From the simulation results the prime controller has been chosen by comparing the criteria of the response such as settling time, rise time, percentage of overshoot and steady state error.The Neural NetworkNARMA L2 controller is founded to give finest performance for Shell and Heat exchanger problem like temperature control. Later Need to compare Conventional PID and Advance Artificial Neural NetworkNARMA L2 Controller results which lead to decide which one is best for Chosen has a better performance than other.

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