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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Comparative Analysis of Traditional versus Authentic Teaching Method in DNA Extraction to Biology Students

( Vol-3,Issue-3,March - March 2017 )

Author(s): Vanessa Joy P. Gasat, Michael Prince N. Del Rosario, Flormay O. Manalo

Total View : 1084
Downloads : 164
Page No: 199-204
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.24001/ijaems.3.3.8


Traditional Teaching Method (Pen-and-Paper), Authentic Teaching Method (Real-Life).


DNA is the blueprint of life. Teaching Science, particularly DNA, is included in every Table of specifications mandated by the curriculum. Traditional method in teaching includes the use of lecture and utilizes pen and paper as a form of assessment. Authentic method on the other hand makes use of real life experience. The purpose of this study is to compare the effectivenessof teaching Science using the pen-and-paper strategy and authentic approach. This study uses DNA extraction as the topic. The researchers gathered 10 Biological Science students who were picked randomly from the reviewees of the review center. The first treatment involved using the traditional method in teaching by lecturing and the second treatment involved using the authentic method by showing the actual process of DNA extraction. Every after treatment, similar post tests were given to the respondents. The results are compared and data gathered are as follows: Mean of 5.4 for traditional and 7.6 for authentic. The median for traditional is 6 while 8 for authentic. The mode of the distribution for traditional is 6 and 8 for authentic. The data suggest that the students learned from authentic method of teaching Science better as compared to the use of traditional method. The results will be of help to teacher education institutions and the government in creating curriculum based on what strategy students learn best. The researchers recommend the replication and continuation of this study.

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