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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Program: Students Perception and Challenges in their Academic Performance

( Vol-6,Issue-7,July - July 2020 )

Author(s): Maria Elena G. Corpuz, Joane R. Malilay, Marjorie C.Garancho, Jennifer G. Fronda, Mercedes D. Santos

Total View : 1019
Downloads : 174
Page No: 311-315
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.67.3


Academic performance, absences, conditional cash transfer, secondary school.


This study focused on conditional cash transfer (CCT) program implementation to the student- recipients in the five selected public secondary schools in a certain Congressional District in the Division of Nueva Ecija, Philippines. The data gathered revealed that the amount of Php500 (10U$) CCT cash grant is insufficient for the respondents’ school needs and most of the time this amount had been used for the food budget of the family. This resulted in absences and non-compliance to school activities and requirements of the students which negatively affect their academic performance.

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