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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Data Placement in Object Storage Based Multiple Containers in Cloud Environment

( Vol-2,Issue-5,May - May 2016 )

Author(s): V.Yogeswaran, Dr. Prabu S, Dr. Swarnalatha P

Total View : 1094
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Page No: 473-478
ijaems crossref doiDOI:


Cloud, Object Storage, Security, server, Data, Container.


Cloud computing is an Internet based processing where virtual shared servers give programming and different resources. Cloud storage is only capacity of information on outsider cloud servers. The benefits are boundless capacity, backup and recovery. The bad marks are specialized issues, cost and absence of backing in security. In This paper, we made to build an application for cloud security in IBM bluemix cloud to partition the data and storing them into multiple containers of object storage. Object storage is a resource which is used in IBM bluemix cloud to store a data. Hence the data is retrieve when needed by merging it. An proposed efficient data placement algorithm is used. This will consider how to place the files efficiently to the containers in object storage. Beside, the files will merge when client needs it back. So some additional algorithms is also used for partitioning and merging of files. Our goal is to achieve good security for cloud storage system, through proposed algorithm by using multiple containers of object storage in cloud.

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