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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Design and Implementation of an Auto result Computation System

( Vol-2,Issue-7,July - July 2016 )

Author(s): Gogo. Tamuno-Omie, Stanley Deekor

Total View : 1269
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Page No: 1092-1100
ijaems crossref doiDOI:


Autoresult, PS, AS, TT, EX, CA.


Different approaches to meeting with targets in the area of computing and compiling results where looked at, the most used approach is the use of spreadsheet where users will develop custom functions and formulas to actualize their targets. The essence of this work is to design a generic system that can be adopted by any institution of higher learning to making the computation of results a lot more easier and as it is also more of error free and presents more accurate results as the title suggested; “AUTORESULT COMPUTATIONSYSTEM”. An extensive research was carried out to study and ascertain the mode of computation across various institutions thereby presenting a system that can be adopted across the globe. Whilst the work is to be used by a professor or a lecturer singly, my plan is to do more research to have a central system where all results from all professors can be submitted and be computed accordingly.

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