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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Design, Modeling and Failure Analysis of Rolling Key in 10-Ton C-Type Mechanical Power Press

( Vol-2,Issue-4,April - April 2016 )

Author(s): Prof. Amit B Solanki, Vishal Chuahan, Gajjar Mitesh, Shah Darshan

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Page No: 113-116
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Mechanical powers press, rolling key.


Mechanical presses (c-type) are dangerous machines and have caused major accidents over the years, these accidents are mostly occurring due to failure of different type of components in mechanical press like key (clutch pin) , shaft , gears. When working with either full or part revolution out of failure of key leads , failure of other components and ultimately mechanical press system. The objective of present work is to study about causes of failure of key and by analysis to reduce failure of key. due to shearing and crushing . it is find out shearing and crushing are the major criteria for the failure of key. In this project work modeling of key by using CREO software and analysis using finite element analysis (ANSYS software) help to prevent and safe designing key of mechanical power press.

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