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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Detecting Misbehaving and Selfish Nodes in the Network using Watchdog Mechanism

( Vol-2,Issue-5,May - May 2016 )

Author(s): K. Naveen Kumar, Assistant Prof. K. Sriprasadh

Total View : 1209
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Page No: 404-410
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Wireless Networks, MANET, Selfish Nodes, Watch Dog, Information Diffusion, Performance analysis.


The nodes in a wireless network may misbehave at times. This misbehavior needs to be monitored in order to avoid sudden failure of network. The watch dog mechanism has been sufficiently studied to address the issue of malice node detection, in Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs). A Collaborative Contact based Watchdog (CoCoWa) is collaborated with information diffusion in the proposed work. This combination strategy analyses all the nodes in a network and provides the information update regarding the selfishness of the specific nodes to other nodes and routing protocols to enable performance oriented transmission. Once the selfish node is detected by the watch dog, it is marked as selfishness positive node else the node is marked as negative selfish node. For enabling this fool proof approach, true neighbors, fake neighbors, their probability of relationships with each other is analyzed. The evaluation of the viability of the proposed work is made in terms of detection efficiency, detection accuracy of both malicious and selfish nodes. Apart from these, the strategy is proved to be simple yet effective.

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