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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Developing a new method " PKPGA " by using a combination of the ABC method Knapsack Problem and Greedy algorithm as a tool for decision support

( Vol-2,Issue-7,July - July 2016 )

Author(s): Mohamed Fri, Amal Boukili, Fouad Belmajdoub, Mohammed El Hammoumi

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Page No: 1153-1159
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Greedy Algorithm, Knapsack Problem, Pareto, PKPGA.


Among major concerns of industry leaders are low production performances due to stoppages and unplanned and spontaneous breakdowns of the machines. To remedy this, they must take the optimal and adequate decisions using a specific technical approach that takes into consideration a reasonable budgetary cost. In the present article, we present a solution to this problem by elaborating a method of good procedure. It is based on the combination of three tools: Pareto, knapsack Problem and Greedy Algorithm “PKPGA”. To validate this method, we treat a case study via the use of these three tools of decision support then treat the same case study with a new method that combines all three of the tools. This new tool “PKPGA” enables those responsible for industrial maintenance to better identify the anomalies, classified according to the degree of their negative impact on production. This method limits production breakdowns, saving time and money for companies.

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