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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Development of a Novel Keyboard Interface Unit for Writing Quran using Computer

( Vol-2,Issue-12,December - December 2016 )

Author(s): Mussa A. Abudena, Shihab A. Hameed, Aisha H. Hashim, Othman O. Khalifa

Total View : 1283
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Page No: 2092-2097
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Arabic keyboards, Computer keyboards, MountFocus Keyboard Designer, Quranic fonts.


There is a lot of computer keyboard layouts in different languages were produced including Arabic keyboards. Up to date, there is no any type of keyboards which used to write holy Quran according to Uthmanic script – that is the standard script to writing Quran. In North Africa they are using special Quranic font called Al-dani. This paper focus on designing and implementing special Quranic keyboard based on Al-dani. To use this font with more accurate positioning of the diacriticals over the letters or below of them, and to achieve the optimum connectivity and kerning between the letters, distinctive type of keyboard should be used to interface with Al-dani Quranic font to facilitate Quran text writing. This paper explains the techniques used to development a keyboard interface unit for writing Quran using computer. Sample of results for using of this keyboard are presented.

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