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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Development of Indonesian National Qualification Framework-Based teaching models and materials for learning instructional media design Department of building Engineering education faculty of engineering state University of Medan

( Vol-6,Issue-1,January - January 2020 )

Author(s): Efendi Napitupulu, Sempurna Perangin-angin, Nono Sebayang

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Page No: 01-08
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.61.1


Learning Model, Indonesian National Qualification Framework, Teaching Materials.


The learning model developed in this study is a whole series of presentation of teaching material that covers all aspects before being and after learning conducted by lecturers by including teaching materials in the teaching and learning process. The learning model developed is called QI MODELS with the syntax: Goals, Observation, Project, Discussion, Task, Practice, Meaningful, Justification, and Evaluation. Teaching material contains a set of material from the course "Instructional Media Design" that is arranged systematically so that lecturers and students can use it in the learning process in an atmosphere and a comfortable environment for learning. To see the effectiveness of the product an analysis of the learning outcomes of the 26 students taught using the Instructional Media Design textbook developed, and compared with the learning outcomes of students in the class taught with presentation material. Based on the analysis, the average value of basic competencies using instructional materials for Indonesian National Qualification Framework (INQF)-based Instructional Media Design is higher than the average value of students who use presentation materials. Testing the hypothesis used is a different test. From the calculation results obtained tcount = 7.63 while ttable = 2.01. Because tcount = 7.63>ttable = 2.01, it was concluded that there was a significant difference in students' learning achievement using Instructional Media Design textbooks and using presentation material. The effectiveness of the use of Instructional Media Design textbooks is 79.09%.

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