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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Development of Instructional Model Based on Indonesian National Qualification Framework to Improve Soft Skills Students in Vocational Technology in North Sumatera Province

( Vol-5,Issue-1,January - January 2019 )

Author(s): Julaga Situmorang, Siman, Yuniarto Mudjisusatyo

Total View : 1142
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Page No: 18-25
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.5.1.4


Soft Skills, Learning Model, KKNI, Technology Vocational School.


This study aims to develop a learning model based on the framework of Indonesia's national qualifications in an effort to improve students' vocational high school soft skills in North Sumatra Province. In particular, this study aims to (1) find soft skills that are in accordance with the needs of the world of work through needs analysis from various sources (stakeholders) and library studies, (2) find the basis of KKNI-based learning models through design based on the results of needs analysis and library studies. (3) finding the effectiveness of the learning model through testing the learning model on a limited and broad scale, (4) and disseminating the developed learning model to the teachers of Technology Vocational Schools in North Sumatra Province. This research uses development research methods, carried out directly with descriptive data collection that processes and analyzes inductive data. To produce operational products, namely the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) based learning model, a cycle of research and development was carried out known as "the R & D cycle" which was carried out in stages over a period of three years. In the first year research, survey methods were used through needs analysis. The second year, the trial method was used through expert review procedures, one-on-one trials, small group trials, and field trials (first class). In the third year using a quasi-experimental method with the design of "Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design", for a broader scale and method of dissemination. The population of this research is the State Technology Vocational School students in the field of technology and engineering expertise in North Sumatra Province. The research sample was taken by area randomly. Data collection techniques used in this study were non-test techniques and test techniques. The non-test techniques used were questionnaire techniques, interviews, and documentation. The test technique used is the appearance test technique (performance test). The data analysis techniques used are (1) descriptive analysis to describe the data analysis of the needs and results of the trial data, and (2) One Way Anova test to determine the differences in the effectiveness of the teaching materials tested.

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