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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Dictionary Based Approach to Sentiment Analysis - A Review

( Vol-2,Issue-5,May - May 2016 )

Author(s): Tanvi Hardeniya, Dilipkumar A. Borikar

Total View : 2447
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Page No: 317-322
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Sentiment Analysis, Natural Language Processing, SenticNet, SentiFul, SentiWordNet, WordNet.


Due to the fast growth of World Wide Web the online communication has increased. In recent times the communication focus has shifted to social networking. In order to enhance the text methods of communication such as tweets, blogs and chats, it is necessary to examine the emotion of user by studying the input text. Online reviews are posted by customers for the products and services on offer at a website portal. This has provided impetus to substantial growth of online purchasing making opinion analysis a vital factor for business development. To analyze such text and reviews sentiment analysis is used. Sentiment analysis is a sub domain of Natural Language Processing which acquires writer’s feelings about several products which are placed on the internet through various comments or posts. It is used to find the opinion or response of the user. Opinion may be positive, negative or neutral. In this paper a review on sentiment analysis is done and the challenges and issues involved in the process are discussed. The approaches to sentiment analysis using dictionaries such as SenticNet, SentiFul, SentiWordNet, and WordNet are studied. Dictionary-based approaches are efficient over a domain of study. Although a generalized dictionary like WordNet may be used, the accuracy of the classifier get affected due to issues like negation, synonyms, sarcasm, etc.

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