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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Digital Forensic Examination of Mobile phone Data

( Vol-2,Issue-7,July - July 2016 )

Author(s): Dr. Qamar ul Arafeen, Najam ul Arifeen, Syed Abdul Khaliq Bari, M. S. Shamim Ahmed

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Page No: 0926-0928
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Mobile Phones, Digital Forensic, ACPO.


Mobile phones are an integral part of our lives since they have played a vital role in bringing people closer together. They have abundantly been used by people all across the globe as they keep them up-to-date about the happenings in the world. However, these mobile phones have also been used in carrying out various criminal activities for the past few decades, therefore, a new discipline of Mobile Phone Forensics has been introduced which will help a lot in curbing the menace of these crimes by locating the whereabouts of the criminals. This research paper deals with the introduction of this innovative discipline of mobile phone forensics by throwing light on the importance of this discipline. It also deals with the detailed procedure of conducting a formal forensics analysis with the help of these mobile phones.

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