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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Disaster preparedness of the selected Barangays in Rizal, Nueva Ecija

( Vol-6,Issue-1,January - January 2020 )

Author(s): Clara J. Carpio

Total View : 943
Downloads : 169
Page No: 15-17
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.61.3


Disaster, Preparedness, Disaster Management, Barangay, Disaster Preparedness.


Despite substantial public danger awareness commitment and spending, rates of preparedness for disasters remain low. The study used the descriptive method of research. It was found that the disaster preparedness programs and activities on the selected Barangays in Rizal, Nueva Ecija are effective however, it needs improvement on the implementation of the programs so that it will be more effective. The result on the problems about the implementation of disaster preparedness programs and activities is disgracing because those programs and activities have only one aim: to help the community. Local government may generate everyone awareness on the difficulties of implementing disaster preparedness activities and programs. Also, the barangay may conduct trainings or seminars for the barangay officials about disaster preparedness.

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