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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Domains and Standards of School Leadership: Evaluation of Tertiary School Teachers

( Vol-6,Issue-3,March - March 2020 )

Author(s): Angelo R. Santos, Rita L. Cajucom

Total View : 749
Downloads : 166
Page No: 124-128
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.63.4


School Leader, School Leadership, School Development, Leading Domain, Teaching Domain.


School Leaders are modifiers of teaching and learning, crucial to maintaining good teachers and necessary for improving educational standards. This study described Standards of School Leadership in terms of: Leading Learning and Teaching Domain, Leading School Development Domain, Organizational Management Domain, and Professional Growth and Development Domain. The descriptive method of research was used in this study. A total of 107 tertiary school teachers which have permanent appointment or considered as regular employee for more than 3 years were surveyed around Nueva Ecija. After analyses of data, the following conclusions were formulated: first, domains of school leadership can be viewed from leading learning and teaching, leading school development, organizational management, and professional growth and development. Second, among these domains, organizational management was found to be the focus of school leaders. Third, school leaders create a culture of professional learning that fosters continuous improvement in learning, teaching and assessment. Fourth, school leaders engage in a continuous process of evidence-based school self-evaluation. Fifth, ensure the safe functioning of the school on a day-to-day basis. Last, school leaders recognize the need to manage workload to ensure a sustainable work/life balance. The researchers want to recommend some matters based from the formulated conclusions. It is indeed noticeable that organizational management is the main focus of the school leaders thus, it is recommended that school leaders should not let other domains of school leadership be taken for granted. Continuous harnessing on the strengths based on the standards is highly recommended. On the others hand, strengthening of the following is also recommended: school leaders should foster a commitment to inclusion and equality of opportunity of each student; promote communication within the school and manage challenging and complex situations and build professional networks with other school leaders.

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