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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform, Probabilistic Neural Network and Fuzzy Clustering based on Medical Images Classification – A Study

( Vol-4,Issue-12,December - December 2018 )

Author(s): Rajesh Sharma R, Akey Sungheetha

Total View : 1097
Downloads : 165
Page No: 793-799
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.4.12.2


fuzzy, neural network, computer aided design, radial basis function.


The venture suggests an Adhoc technique of MRI brain image classification and image segmentation tactic. It is a programmed structure for phase classification using learning mechanism and to sense the Brain Tumor through spatial fuzzy clustering methods for bio medical applications. Automated classification and recognition of tumors in diverse MRI images is enthused for the high precision when dealing with human life. Our proposal employs a segmentation technique, Spatial Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm, for segmenting MRI images to diagnose the Brain Tumor in its earlier phase for scrutinizing the anatomical makeup. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) will be exploited to categorize the pretentious tumor part in the brain. Dual Tree-CWT decomposition scheme is utilized for texture scrutiny of an image. Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN)-Radial Basis Function (RBF) will be engaged to execute an automated Brain Tumor classification. The preprocessing steps were operated in two phases: feature mining by means of classification via PNN-RBF network. The functioning of the classifier was assessed with the training performance and classification accuracies.

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