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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Earthquake-prone Zonation of North Bengkulu Based on Peak Ground Acceleration of Katayama’s and Kanai’s Formula

( Vol-2,Issue-11,November - November 2016 )

Author(s): Budi Harlianto, Nanang Sugianto, Irkhos

Total View : 1108
Downloads : 164
Page No: 1857-1861
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Earthquake-prone, HVSR, PGA, sediment rock.


We have done mapped earthquake-prone zonation of North Bengkulu, Indonesia, based on peak ground acceleration by kanai’s and Katayama’s formula. Twenty nine microtremor data have recorded by Digital portable Seismometer that installed in North Bengkulu regency. The result of HVSR analysis, we got resonance frequency and A0 which explained the condition of surface rocks. Peak ground acceleration on rock surface which applied local geology condition (dominant period of natural soil vibration). Based on A0 value, the risk of earthquakes in north Bengkulu was on moderate to high level because this area has relatively soft rock structure. Kanai's formula has correlation near 70.6% with Katayama's formula to showed PGA value on rock surface. Peak Ground acceleration of Kanai formula in North Bengkulu about 152,441 - 674,391 gal and based on Katayama formula between 35.2 gal until 51.3 gal. Based on PGA value, we estimated that North Bengkulu has on IV and IX of MMI scales. It meant that in North Bengkulu potential have heavy damage when an earthquake occurred. Distribution of PGA values based on the observation has correspond to effects earthquake of North Bengkulu at September 2007.

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