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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Education to Educate: A Case of Punjab Education Foundation

( Vol-4,Issue-6,June - June 2018 )

Author(s): Sayeda Zeenat Maryam, Umm-e-Amen, Adeena Safdar, Anam Shehzadi, Sayyed Khawar Abbas

Total View : 1395
Downloads : 168
Page No: 460-465
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.4.6.5


Punjab Education Foundation, Education, Government schools.


Mrs. Shehzad’s doorbell rang, and she came out to open the door. She was sure about the arrival of her children Ali and Sana on the door as it was the time of school closing at 3’o clock. While serving the lunch, she thanked Allah and recalled the time a few years back. When Ali was in 4th grade, and Sana was in 5th grade, Mr. & Mrs. Shahzad thought to change the school of their children from private to government. This thought emerged because they were unable to afford the fee schedule of private schools. But they were aware of the drawbacks of Government Schools too. They never wanted to abolish their children’s confidence level, productivity, and learning. It was not the dilemma of one home but the whole nation.

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