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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Effect of Spray Dryer Parameters on different Properties of Fruit Juice Powder

( Vol-2,Issue-8,August - August 2016 )

Author(s): Er. Vidya S. Sonone, Dr. Prakash A. Unde, Dr. Vikram P. Kad

Total View : 1358
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Page No: 1301-1312
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Spray drying, drying parameters, Carrier agents, physiochemical properties, fruit juice powder, storage stability.


Spray drying is one of the most complex method for fruit juice drying. Fruit juice is very sensitive and affected by the different drying parameters. Fruit juice powders have many benefits and economic potentials over their liquid counterparts such as reduced volume or weight, reduced packaging, easier handling and transportation and much longer shelf life. Besides, their physical state provides a stable, natural and easily dosable ingredient, which generally finds usage in many foods and pharmaceutical products such as flavoring and coloring agents. Spray drying process is unique because it involves both particle formation and drying. These parameters should be tested and determined before the design of the dryers. The investigated parameters include: drying agent material, feed flow rate, inlet and out let air temperature and sticky point temperature.

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