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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Embodied Energy Audit of Residential Building

( Vol-2,Issue-7,July - July 2016 )

Author(s): Mr. Ajit P. Mali, Prof. Ashish P. Waghmare

Total View : 1250
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Page No: 1141-1147
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Embodied, Energy, Lifecycle, Joule, Emitted.


Buildings consume a vast amount of energy during the life cycle stages of construction, use and demolition. Total life cycle energy use in a building consists of two components: embodied and operational energy. Embodied energy is expended in the processes of building material production, on-site delivery, construction, maintenance, renovation and final demolition. Operational energy is consumed in operating the buildings. In this paper the review is given about energy consumption of the residential building. Energy required for various materials is calculated and energy efficient alternatives are suggested. Studies have revealed the suggestion of energy efficient alternatives materials and comparison of energy consumed by using each material. Current interpretations of embodied energy are quite unclear and vary greatly as change in site source of raw materials and embodied energy databases suffer from the problems of variation and incomparability.

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