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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Evacuation Plans and Simulations for Crowd Egress – A Review

( Vol-4,Issue-8,August - August 2018 )

Author(s): Purva Goyal, Dr. Akash Saxena

Total View : 1247
Downloads : 169
Page No: 637-639
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.4.8.10


Evacuation system, Particle Swarm Optimization, K means clustering.


Due to growing population density and increasing complexity and congestion of human habitat evacuation planning is essential to avoid major loss of life during a natural or un-natural disaster. The paper provides a review of existing evacuation systems and strategies and also points out the possible research directions. Intelligent Evacuation Management System coupled with evolutionary and machine learning techniques such as PSO,ACO , k-mean clustering is a promising solution to ensure safe and jostle free egress of people. .

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