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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Factor Associated with Urine Trans, Trans-Muconic Acid (tt-MA) levels of Gas Station Workers

( Vol-2,Issue-6,June - June 2016 )

Author(s): Fakhrinnur, Tri Martiana, Linda Dewanti

Total View : 1332
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Page No: 640-644
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urine tt-MA levels, haematological profile, gas station employees


Benzene is a dangerous chemichal compounds that can cause haematological effects. Gasoline contains approximately 5% carcinogens benzene. Gas station employees, particularly fueling operators are working population that have a high risk of benzene exposure. Within the continuous exposure. The purpose aim of this study is to analyze the relationship of urine trans, trans-Muconic Acid (tt-MA) levels with haematological profile of Gas Station Workers. The study was designed as an observational study and conducted by cross sectional method with 33 samples (12 samples administrative workers and 21 samples in fueling operator). The research showed that average concentration of benzene in the air is 0,58 ppm. The result of Spearman analysis showed a significant correlation the amount of fuel fill and the duration of filling the fuel with the level of tt-MA in urine (p=0,000). From this research can be concluded, that more fuel is fill and the longer the duration of filling the fuel by respondent, the higher levels of tt-MA in urine. Therefore, works should use PPE and that medical surveillance conducted continuously every year.

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