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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Factors Affecting the Utilization or Non-Utilization of the Portfolio Assessment in Evaluating Performance of High School and College Mathematics Students in De La Salle Lipa

( Vol-2,Issue-4,April - April 2016 )

Author(s): Maria Theresa B. Kalaw

Total View : 1072
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Page No: 228-235
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Mathematics Education, Portfolio assessment, Descriptive-survey, Philippines.


This study involved an investigation of the factors that affect the utilization or non-utilization of portfolio assessment in evaluating performance in mathematics of both college and high school students from De La Salle Lipa. Thirty-five teachers were asked to accomplish two validated brief surveys – one is for gathering information about their profile and the other is for probing into the different assessment tools they are using to evaluate the performance of their students in mathematics. Out of the 35 respondents, only 9 were using portfolio assessment either in the form of report of group project, open-ended questions, or draft, revised and final versions of students work on a complex mathematical problem. The demand for considerable time in planning instructional activities and development of grading rubrics or criteria were among the limiting factors identified by the 26 respondents for not using portfolio assessment. Among the alternative forms of assessment used by these teachers were KPUP (Knowledge, Process, Understanding and Product) Oriented, UbD (Understanding by Design) approach, and online assessment tools.

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