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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Forms of Water Supply, Conservation and use in Banigbe District, Municipality of Ifangni, Benin (West Africa)

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May - May 2021 )

Author(s): Judith Eric Georges Yetongnon

Total View : 496
Downloads : 166
Page No: 58-64
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.75.8


Municipality of Ifangni, drinking water, water supply, conservation and water resources.


Rural populations in underdeveloped countries like Benin have difficult access to safe drinking water. This research aims to study the forms of water supply, conservation and use in Banigbé district. The methodological approach revolves around data collection through documentary research; data processing and results analysis. It appears that 88.75% of the 80 households selected for the survey in Banigbé, use at-risk sources (rivers; Private PEA; traditional wells). Only 11.25% have access to water from conventional sources such as the National Water Society of Benin (SONEB) and the Drilling of Human Motric Pumps (FPM). 88.75% of those selected for the survey also said that they do not treat drinking water at any source. It is therefore necessary to improve the quality of the water to which the populations of Banigbé have access to, and this through the disinfection of water from at risk sources and the proliferation of village hydraulic equipment in the district of Banigbé.

Article Info:

Received: 07 Mar 2021; Received in revised form: 20 Apr 2021; Accepted: 11 May 2021; Available online: 30 May 2021

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