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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Handle Assembler Validation

( Vol-7,Issue-2,February - February 2021 )

Author(s): Flores Sánchez Verónica, Aguilar Peña Diana Jazmín, Vallejo Hernández Arely, Vásquez Rosas Sergio, Hernández Sánchez Uriel Alejandro, Chama Esteban José Luis

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Page No: 23-26
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.72.3


ANOVA, validation, assembler.


The present study was carried out in a company that manufactures 1-liter jugs, the daily production to be covered is at least 9500 1-liter bottles per shift, during the last months the production quota was not being met, since in the area handle assembly was lost about 12 seconds. The objective of this project is to solve the problem presented in the production, reducing the time in the placement of the handle, the minimum production quantity per shift can be met. To provide a solution, an Ishikawa diagram was used using the 6 M's methodology where it was obtained and it was decided to solve the lack of an electro-pneumatic handle setting equipment, since, in the production area, there is no such system for so it was decided to build one so that it cannot affect the workspaces. When building the assembler, the handle can be installed in 3 seconds under a single operator, that is, the installation time improved and a salary was reduced, also avoiding problems caused by insufficient personnel. In this way, the purpose for which the assembler was developed is fulfilled; the validation of it through ANOVA is presented below.

Article Info:

Received: 02 Nov 2020; Received in revised form: 11 Jan 2021; Accepted: 02 Feb 2021; Available online: 14 Feb 2021

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