Impact of Distributed Generator for Loss Reduction and Improvement in Reliability of Distributed System( Vol-2,Issue-4,April - April 2016 ) |
Author(s): K Siva Ramudu, K Mounika, B Sree Ramulu |
Keywords: |
Distributed generation, Distribution load flows, loss Reduction, DG placement, Reliability. |
Abstract: |
Distributed Power generation has gained a lot of attention in recent times due to constraints associated with conventional power generation and new advancements in DG technologies .The need to operate the power system economically and with optimum levels of reliability has further led to an increase in interest in Distributed Generation. By placing distributed generator on an optimal location lead to improvement in voltages. This paper investigates the impact of DG unit installation on electric losses, reliability and voltage profile of distribution networks. To find optimal distributed generator allocation for loss reduction subjected to constraint of voltage regulation in distribution network. Distributed Generator offers the additional advantage of increase in reliability levels as suggested by the improvements in various reliability indices such as SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ASAI and ASUI. Comparative studies are performed and related results are addressed. The suggested technique is programmed to IEEE-33 bus system by using MATLAB software. The results clearly indicate that DG can reduce the electrical line loss while simultaneously improving the reliability of the system. |
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