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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Impact of Employee Engagement on Performance

( Vol-3,Issue-5,May - May 2017 )

Author(s): Anjum Tanwar

Total View : 1081
Downloads : 165
Page No: 510-515
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.24001/ijaems.3.5.16


Organisation Citizenship Behaviour, Employee Commitment, Employee Engagement, Job Assignment, Non-Financial motivational factors.


Employee engagement is a vast concept and has a wide area of interpretation and thus each organisation interprets the meaning of employee engagement on its own terms, knowledge, and culture. Employee engagement is a relationship between the employee and the enterprise, an engaged employee is the one who is entirely engrossed in and ardent about their work and so takes positive steps to further the organisation's prestige and interests. The construct employee engagement is built on the foundation of concepts like organisation citizenship behaviour, employee commitment, and job satisfaction. Though it relates to and besets these concepts but employee engagement is broader in scope. In today's scenario organisations have started looking out for ways more stronger than only monetary incentives to keep employees involved and work towards goals, hence comes the role of employee engagement which helps the employees realise they are a part of the organisation and thus employees are emotionally connected to their organization and highly involved in their job with a great enthusiasm for the success of their employer, going an extra mile beyond the employment contractual agreement assuming all their efforts leads to the growth of what already belongs to them. Since Employee engagement is a fairly novel concept thus a lot of measurement metrics are not present to find out direct relationship between employee engagement and its impact on the performance of employees thus the purpose of this paper is to find out an Impact of employee engagement on the performance of the employees.

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