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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Implementer’s Evaluation of the Community Involvement Programs of De La Salle Lipa

( Vol-2,Issue-6,June - June 2016 )

Author(s): Bernardo C. Lunar, Judith Alcaraz

Total View : 922
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Page No: 893-900
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educational institutions, CBEAM, CHED, Philippines.


De La Salle Lipa, like other higher educational institutions as mandated by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), has community extension services in the areas of education, livelihood generation, health and nutrition, good governance, technology transfer, environmental awareness and socio-civic and religious matters. The study was aimed at assessing the Community Involvement Programs of De La Salle Lipa- College Division. Looking at the participation of the faculty members from each college during the school year 2010- 2011, it was found out that majority of them are rendering more than the required number of hours of either internal or external community involvement. It was noted that all the full-time faculty members of the College of Business, Economics, Accountancy and Management (CBEAM) got the rating 5. As to the evaluation done by the implementers on the general aspect of the community involvement in terms of program description, accountability, understanding and refining, progress towards objectives and program long-term outcomes, the respondents regarded the community involvement programs as highly satisfactory with composite means ranging from 3.33 - 3.69. Assessment of the implementation of the community involvement program using goals-based, process-based and outcomes- based evaluations were also done yielding the following composite mean values, 3. 52, 3.19, and 3.16, respectively. Based on the values, the implementer respondents considered the implementation of existing community involvement programs as highly satisfactory despite the relatively lower ratings.

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